Wednesday, May 18, 2016


For some reason, the process for embedding your ipadio recording into your blogger has changed slightly.  Please use the following procedure:

1.  Make your recording.
2.  Log into your Ipadio account.
3.  click on the "embed" icon on your recording.
4. Copy the html code.
5.  Go to your blogger.
6.  Title your Ipadio "MPA Project"
7.   Click on new post.
8.   Click on "HTML".
9.   Paste your code into the box.
10.  Then, click on "Compose".
11.  Your Ipadio box should pop up in the window, and you can click on "publish".


Chapter 2 and 3A

Why is Ben worried about Mindy?
What will Mindy do during the summer?-
How does Mindy respond when Ben complements her?
What is El Salvador like?
Where will he stay while he is there?
Where do the homeless people live now?
How is Ben feeling at the end of p. 19?

 Chapter 3B

Guiding Questions:
What kind of transportation does Ben take when he leaves the airport?
How does the woman on the bus know that Ben is American?
What is she selling?
What does Ben see that makes him miss being in the U.S.?
What does Ben think about Mr. Salinas?
What interesting thing does Ben notice about the bananas?

Chapter 4A (pp. 25-30)

Guiding Questions
What is the first thing Ben notices when he arrives to San Vicente?
What is the name of the family that Ben will stay with?
What kind of traditional El Salvadorian food does Ben eat?
What traditional drink does he try?
How does Mr. Zamora describe what happened when the earthquake happened?
What does Ben think of Anabel when he first meets her?

Chapter 4B and 5 (pages 31-35)

Guiding Questions
Does Anabel have siblings? 
Where is her brother?
What does Ben have for breakfast?
Whose house will Ben work on?
What happened to the last American student that came?
With whom does Ben want to work?

Chapter 6 (pages 36-39)

Guiding Questions
What kind of work does Ben do?
Describe Ben at the end of the day.
What is the only good thing about the day?
What 2 things does Ben teach Anabel?
What does Anabel want to do in the future?
What kind of student is Ben?
What lie does Ben tell Anabel?
What do they eat for supper that night?

       Capítulo 7         

Guiding Questions

What 2 things does the Zamora family have that most families don’t have?
Why do Ben and Anabel get into an argument?
What is the one word that Ben uses that makes Anabel the angriest?
Where does Ben go after their “blowup”?
What is the special event that is happening tomorrow?

Capítulo 8 – pp. 45-50

                     Guiding Questions
What new kind of food is Ben introduced to today?
What is the purpose of the holiday?
How is it celebrated?
Who leads the parade?
What is Ben’s epiphany?
What difference does Ben observe between the families in El Salvador and families in the U.S.?
How do Ben and Anabel spend the rest of the evening?

Capítulo 9 (pp. 51-55)

Guiding Questions
What is the first thing that Ben’s parents notice about his appearance?
What does Ben notice about California that seems different?
Where does Ben go after dinner?
What is the first thing Mindy asks Ben?
To whom does Mindy introduce Ben?
What does Ben do when he gets back to his house?

Capítulo 10 (pp. 56-58)

Guiding Questions?

¿Qué le pregunta el papá a Ben?
¿Qué problema tiene Ben con tener un carro nuevo?

¿Cómo responde el papá a la decisión de Ben?

MARTES 17/05/16

La Tarea de: (martes) 17-05-16 


Read Chapter 10 (pages 56-57) in MPA.  Write the following vocabulary into your notes. Take Quiz #6 on my blogger.

Chapter 9 (pages 51-55
Siguiente - following                Debido – because of     
Sigo – I keep on (I continue)    Orgulloso - proud
Mayoría - majority                   próximo - next
Desmayarse – to faint



Monday, May 16, 2016

LUNES, 16/05/16

La Tarea de: (lunes) 16-05-16 


Read Chapter 9 (pages 51-55) in MPA.  Write the following vocabulary into your notes.

Chapter 9 (pages 51-55
Alegrarse – to make happy                estacionar – to park
Pueblito – Little town                       pareja - couple
Bastante – enough/too much            carta - letter
De todos modos - anyway
¿Cómo te fue…? – How did it go for you?
Recordar – to remember



Friday, May 13, 2016