Monday, September 22, 2014

Would you like to travel to Spain in the summer of 2016?
Click on the link, and check out EF Tours.  Also, read the letter below for more information.

We’re going to Spain!!

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Global awareness is more essential than ever for our children, and the best way to become globally aware is by traveling abroad. Experiencing new cultures not only opens students’ eyes to the world, it also prepares them for the future.

More and more colleges and universities are looking for international experience on students’ applications to set them apart. Travel isn’t just educational; it’s an investment that gives your child an advantage in a competitive world.

With that in mind, I’m excited to announce that a group of students and teachers from Mustang High School are traveling on an educational tour:

Madrid and Barcelona in June of 2016

On this tour, students will experience new cultures and visit important landmarks such as:

Prado • Royal Palace •Puerta del Sol • Guggenheim Museum
Burgos Cathedral Parque Guell Flamenco Show

I’m hosting a meeting to discuss this opportunity in detail and answer any questions on Thursday, October 9th at 5:30 PM.  If you and your child would like to attend, you can RSVP by emailing me at

The tour is operated by EF Educational Tours. You can learn more online at   

There are a limited number of spots available and the tour is sure to fill up quickly, so please attend the meeting if you are interested. This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that will truly set your child apart.


Libby Smith
Spanish 2 Teacher

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