Monday, January 26, 2015


1. Go to the ¡Conjuguemos! link.  Be sure to specify at the top "unidad 2, lección 2 cumulative".  Practice conjugating verbs in the three different tenses: present, preterite, and present progressive.  Do this for 25 minutes.


2. Below is the writing prompt for the written portion of the test we will take on Thursday.  Review the task and begin making preparations for what you are going to write. (Remember to use reflexive verbs and present progressive in your writing, as well as lots of vocabulary from the current lesson.)


A friend from out of town is coming to visit you this coming weekend.  Your friend has texted you to find out about your weekend routine, and your plans for the two of you.    Write and e-mail to tell him or her of your usual routine during the week, what you normally do on weekends, and what you're thinking of doing this weekend.
Don't forget to ask whether she or he likes your ideas or has other activities in mind. First organize all the details you would like to include.

You're now ready to write your review. Make sure to:
- tell your friend about your daily routine. (Use words like:  first, then, later, finally, normally, generally, finally, etc.)
- mention what you usually do on weekends. (los fines de semana)
- indicate two or three things you plan to do this coming weekend.
- ask your friend what he or she would like to do.
- say what you're doing now to prepare for the visit. (Cleaning your room, preparing food, making    reservations, inviting friends, etc.)

3.  If you have time, visit the quizlet site and practice vocabulary.

Quizlet Unidad 2 Lección 2

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