Monday, March 2, 2015


Proyecto del cuento – Mi Propio Auto

-Create a comic book summary of Mi Propio Auto, with at least 20 original drawings, including captions in Spanish. (Pictures must be in color, and writing must be neat.  Comic book must be on plain copy paper. Project must contain at least 30 sentences in Spanish.  Pictures must be at least 3.5” X 4.5” in size. (4 per page)

-Create a digital story board using  to summarize Mi Propio Auto.  Include at least 12 frames with captions in Spanish. Project must contain at least 24 sentences in Spanish. (The free trial will only allow for 2 storyboards with 6 slides each.  You can either print out your storyboards, or upload them to a PowerPoint presentation.)

-Make a PowerPoint presentation, and include a slide for each chapter.  In each slide, include a picture and a short 3-4 sentence summary of the chapter.  Import your PowerPoint presentation into your Google Docs, and share with me.  Project must include at least 30 sentences in Spanish.

-On a full size poster board, make a collage using magazine pictures or clip art and key vocabulary from Mi Propio Auto to represent each picture.  Project must include at least 30 relevant vocabulary words from MPA.  Then, write a 30 sentence summary of Mi Propio Auto to turn in.

-Write a 30+ sentence summary of Mi Propio Auto, and record it on i-Padio.  Also turn in your summary in written format.

-Create a scene from the “sequel” to Mi Propio Auto where Ben and Anabel are reunited.  Create a conversation where each has 10-15 lines.  Act out the scene with a partner in front of class or record and show to class through your media.  Lines must be memorized. Scene must be written and turned in as well.

                                                                                                Grading Rubric


(30 puntos)
Project is complete. Project is accessible to Sra. Smith.  Project adheres completely to all guidelines.

30      28      26      24       22
Project is somewhat complete.  Only partially follows project guidelines. 

20      18      16      14      12   
Project incomplete.  Does not meet project requirements.  Evidence seen of not following directions.
10     8     6     4     2     0

(40 puntos)
Writing is grammatically correct and uses correct spelling.  Writing is easy to follow, and corresponds with the audio/visual.
40     37     33     30      27      
Writing contains multiple grammatical errors and spelling errors.  Comprehensible, but with difficulty.  Somewhat corresponds to the audio/visual.
26       23       20       17       14
Many grammar and spelling errors.  Meaning is incomprehensible.  Does not correspond to audio/visual.
13     10     7     4     3     0

(30 puntos)
Project is neat, unique, and evidence is seen of a great amount of effort, and pride in finished product.

30     28     26      24      22
Some evidence of careless work.  Project has the appearance of one completed in haste or with minimal effort.

20      18      16      14      12    
Project is messy, contains little to no creativity, and there is evidence of an attitude of “How little can I do to get a grade?”

10      8      6      4      2    0
*If I see evidence of Google Translate, the project will receive ZERO credit!

*Cannot be direct quotes from the book.

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