Monday, January 25, 2016


Post three 'selfies' where you are doing an action.  In the title, write a sentence in Spanish using the Present Progressive to describe what you are doing.  At least 2 of the three verbs must be reflexive.
2 of the 3 pictures must be of you.  If you want, one of the pictures may be of someone else, but the sentence needs to reflect that "he", "she", or "they" are doing the action. If you can't remember how to form the Present Progressive with reflexive verbs, watch the video below.
(You may delete these from your blogger after the assignment has been graded.)

“Selfie” Blogger Assignment
3 fotos
2/3 son de ti.

       6              5
4             3
2          1         0
3 oraciones
2/3 verbos reflexivos, y usan el presente progresivo.
6              5 
4                    3
   2          1         0
Las oraciones son correctamente formadas.
       18           15
12           9
6             3         0

                                                                                           Total __________ /_30___________

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