Tuesday, April 12, 2016

MARTES, 12/04/16

La Tarea de: (martes) 12-04-16

(2) 12-04-16
¿Cuántas horas dormiste anoche? (How many hours did you sleep last night?)

We did the “Repaso de la Lección” on pages 188-189.  Do only the following exercises:
Exercise 2: All
Exercise 3: Evens
Exercise 4: Evens

Remember!  Test tomorrow!  See post below regarding bonus opportunity!



FOLLOW THIS LINK FOR A GREAT WAY TO STUDY!!! (This only works on a desktop or laptop computer, not a mobile device.)


Type your name and choose "Level B".  Then choose Unidad 3, Lección 2.  You can practice either vocabulario or gramática or both. There are flashcards as well as "práctica" exercises to practice the vocab and the grammar.  

When you are finished, click on "Session Report". E-mail me your session report (smithl@mustangps.org) I will give you bonus toward your test for each section that you complete with 80% accuracy.  

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