Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Reading Circles
Joaquín y Los Frijoles Encantados

·        Work in groups of three or four.  Change roles each day. Try to be responsible for each task at least twice during this project.  If there are four people in your group, two may work on the “word-watcher” task.  If there are only two people in your group, you may leave out the “summary” task.  Each day you are to complete your task on notebook paper.  The following day, using the same piece of paper, do the next task.  At the end of the project, you will turn in your assignment with six different tasks. (Stapled together)
o   Summarizer: Write a brief (half-page) summary in English.  Be sure to include only details from the corresponding pages.  Don’t rely just on your knowledge of the story in English.  List specifics.

o   Word Watcher/Grammarian: List grammar structures that we have learned in class. (Not verb conjugation) This person should be the only person with their phone out.  The may use their phone to look up unknown words.  Grammar structures may include:
§  Ir + a + infinitive
§  Tener + que
§  Past Participle (-ado, -ido)
§  Present Participle (estar + -ando, -iendo)
§  Direct Object Pronouns
§  Indirect Object Pronouns
§  Reflexive Verbs with pronouns

o   Verb Expert: List verbs from passage classified by “present”, “preterit”, “imperfect”, and “future”.  This person is also responsible for recording any questions about the text that the group cannot answer on their own.  Sra. Smith will answer the questions during the Wrap-Up time.

·        6 Day Project worth 60 points.
·        Possibility of 10 points earned each day.

Daily Routine:
            5 minutes: Take turns reading the chapter aloud in Spanish.
            20 minutes: Take turns (help each other) translate to English.
            15 minutes: Complete individual tasks
            10 minutes: Wrap-up discussion

During this project, Sra. Smith will monitor your group work each day, and award daily points based on how well you are staying on task, how much effort you are putting into the project and how well you work with your group members.

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