Monday, November 9, 2015


Watch the video.  Based on what you learned in the video, compose five original Spanish sentences using the preterite tense.  (You must use five different endings.)  Be sure to use past time indicator words such as last night, yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week, last month, last year, last January, etc.  Also, be sure to include the subject when you are using a 3rd person verb.  Post your 5 sentences in the comments, and for each correct sentence, you will receive two bonus points.


  1. Ronda rousey peleó la semana pasada.

    Comí la comida Ayer.

    Yo descansé bien anoche.

    Reí Ayer.

    Sonreí la mes pasada.

  2. Yo compre muchas cosas el viernes pasado.
    Yo come muchisimo el jueves pasado.
    Mi mamá me hizo un beun desayuno la mañana ante ayer.
    Mi familia y yo regresamos el sábado pasado.
    Ellos les gustaron el pastel de tres leches.
