Tuesday, March 1, 2016


Proyecto – La Moda
(Fashion Show)
          At the end of Unidad 3, Lección 1, everyone will be doing a presentation in front of the class.  The goal of the project is to demonstrate that you can use Spanish to do the following:

        *Say what someone is wearing.
        *Describe the pattern of the clothing, as well as how it fits
        *Tell where someone can buy this type of clothing
*Express your opinion about clothing in general, and the specific style of clothing you have chosen.

The following questions may be helpful in formulating your presentation:

1.  ¿Qué lleva tu modelo(a)?  Descríbela en completo.
2.  ¿Por qué lleva esta ropa ahora, o para qué la puede llevar?
3.  ¿Dónde se puede comprar esta ropa y cuánto cuesta?
4.  ¿Crees que es importante vestirte de moda todos los días?  ¿Por qué?
5.  ¿Crees que los estudiantes deben llevar uniformes en la escuela?  ¿Por qué?
6.  ¿Compras ropa por internet?  ¿Por qué sí o no?
7.  ¿Cuándo te vistes con ropa formal?
8.  ¿Qué ropa recomiendas para los estudiantes de MHS?

Rubric for Fashion Presentation: (75 points)
                          25 – Written presentation; 25 – Oral presentation; 25 – Memorization

        18-25 points
      9-17 points
       0-8 points
Written Presentation
Lots of vocabulary
Spelling / Grammar
At least 100 words
Some current vocab
Few spelling/grammar mistakes
Less than 100 words
Very few current vocab words
Lots of spelling/grammar mistakes
Way less than 100
Oral Presentation
Lots of vocab
Describe what someone is wearing, talk about clothing in general, your opinion,
Good pronunciation,
Some current vocab,
Addresses only some of the required topics,
Presentation difficult to understand, follow
Talks to fast or too low.
Very few current vocab words, does not address required topics, very difficult to understand or follow, very poor pronunciation.
Presentation completely memorized, no memory aid is used.
Some of the presentation is read from a memory aid.
All of the presentation is read from a memory aid.

Each student will be required to have a visual aid.  The visual aid may either be the student him/herself, a friend from class, or a picture posted on your blogger.
          The student will write and memorize a paragraph of at least 100 words describing the clothing worn by the model, and expressing his/her opinion about the specific clothing worn by the model.  Additionally the student will give his/her opinion about clothing or fashion in general.  Be sure to include all of the points above. (Use of google translate will result in a dramatic loss of points.)

*Be sure to use some of the backward verbs we have learned!

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