Monday, April 18, 2016

LUNES, 18/04/16

La Tarea de: (lunes) 18-04-16

(5) 18-04-16
¿Lloras a veces?  ¿Cuándo? (Do you cry sometimes?  When?)

*       We did exercises 1 and 2 on page 200 in the textbook.  You will need to do these on paper and turn them in.  (On exercise 1, write the correct word in Spanish, and then translate the paragraph to English.)
*       We also learned about “Past Participles used as Adjectives”.  Read about this in the “Nota Gramatical” on page 202.  Then, do exercise 4 on p. 202.  Write at least 6 sentences in Spanish.
*       I also handed out an independent research project that is due on Thursday.  Be sure to get a copy of it in the binder.


Independent Research Project over the Imperfect Tense

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